Chaplaincy Health Care will hold a one-day conference on end-of-life care on Saturday, November 5, 2016. It will be held at the Three Rivers Convention Center from 8 am to 5 pm.
The conference is geared toward experienced practitioners and will provide an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the complex issues in providing palliative care including pain management, impact of moral trauma and grief, as well as an introduction to diverse perspectives at end-of-life.
Dr. Wayne Kohan is the Keynote Speaker with his presentation on “End-of-Life Pain Management: How to do it right”. Dr. Thomas Cooper will speak about end-of-life-care in long-term care facilities. Matthew Kuempel, M.Div. will speak on moral trauma and the impacts it has on end-of-life and Wanda Kontur, MSW will address grief and the power it has to transform. The day will end with a panel discussion about cultural issues at end-of-life.
The Early Bird rate for the conference is $50 if your register before October 14, 2016. After that date, the regular registration rate is $75. There is a discount for full-time students studying in a health care related field. You can register here. Continuing education credits are available for nurses, physicians and social workers.
If you are from out of the area and wish to stay the night, a special room rate has been set up at the Spring Hill Suites hotel that adjoins the conference room. Details regarding hotel reservation can be found on the conference registration page.
For questions or additional information, please call (509) 783-7416 or email: