Chaplaincy Grief Care’s Spring Grief Support Groups & Classes

The death of a significant person can be a time of great pain. The experienced team from Chaplaincy Grief Care offers support and education for family and friends. We invite you to follow a path through the pain that assists you in adjusting to life without the person who died, as well as finding meaning again. The following classes and support groups are available to assist you in this process.

Understanding Grief: An Introduction: This one-time session is open to adults experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one. It is an educational experience and a unique support opportunity. The next classes will meet on Thursday, April 6, 2017 from 6 pM – 8 PM; Thursday, May 6, 2017 from 6 pM – 8 PM or Saturday, June 10 from 10 AM – 12 Noon. No cost to attend. Call Wanda at 783-6243 LeAnne at 851-1483 for more information or to register.

Coming to Terms with Loss: This group is open to adults experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one. This group is educational and supportive. The next group will meet on Tuesdays, April 11 – June 13, 2017  6 – 7:30 PM. No cost to attend. Call Cheryl at 572-0593 for more information or to register.

Widowed Support Group: This group welcomes widows, widowers, and partners who are experiencing grief due to the death of their loved one. This group will meet on Wednesdays, April 12 – June 14, 2017. Times are 12 – 1:30 PM or 6 – 7:30 PM. No cost to attend. Call Cheryl at 572-0593 for more information or to register.

Cork’s Place for Grieving Children, Teens and their Families: These sessions are specifically for children ages 3 -17 years. Ongoing groups meet regularly following the school year. There is a support group for parents and/or guardians provided at the same time the children are in session. Call Heather at 783-7416 ext. 3000 or 378-4898 for information, to schedule a tour, or to pre-register a child.

Grieving Parent’s Support Group: This group is available to adults experiencing grief due to the death of a child of any age. This group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month in 2017. Time is 6 to 7:30 p.m. No cost to attend. Call Craig at 572-8349 to register or for more information.

Chaplaincy Survivors of Suicide: The loss of a loved one by suicide can be especially traumatic and affects individuals differently. Some choose to attend a group soon after the loss, while others may wait years. Wherever you are in the healing process, we invite you to come and join others who are on the same journey. This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. Time is 6 to 7:30 p.m. No cost to attend. Call Cheryl at 572-0593 for more information or to register.

First Year and Beyond: Drop-in Support: This drop-in format provides support to those who have experienced the death of a spouse or partner without the commitment of a 10-week group. Come share a cup of coffee, tea and refreshments while remembering your loved one and learning about grief. Feel free to invite a grieving friend or family member who has also experienced the death of a spouse or partner. This group meets every 1st Thursday of the month from Noon to 1:30 PM and every 3rd Monday of the month from 6 to 7:30 PM. No cost to attend. Call Cheryl at 572-0593 for location and to register.

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