Cork’s Place offers a safe and nurturing environment where children, teens and families who have experienced a death can share experiences, support one another and find comfort as they move through the difficult process of emotional healing.
Volunteers are needed to facilitate these grief support groups for children ages 3 – 18. Support groups meet every other week during the school year and average 8 hours monthly. As a volunteer your primary job is to be present, to listen and walk along side children as they explore their own feelings. Cork’s Place volunteers don’t give advice, offer solutions or try to “fix” problems. A listening presence is often what is needed most.
At Cork’s Place, children can express their grief in different ways such as through dramatic play, games, “big” energy activities, painting, talking and reflection. These activities and peer-to-peer sharing help children know it’s okay to feel what they are feeling. Cork’s Place volunteers are an invaluable part of the healing process.
The 30 hour training is designed to give volunteer facilitators the tools needed to work with children and teens as they move through their own healing process. After training, we ask for a 10 month commitment.
For more details call Brandy or Heather at (509) 783-7416